I have it all.

I have it all.

I have a full time job. A car payment, a house payment, utility bills, child care bills, health care bills,
credit card bills, student loan bills, and a huge damn pile of debt.

I have Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Dental Insurance, and Car Insurance. I’m so fucking insured
that I don’t know what to do with myself. Go scuba diving in a underwater landmine with Great White Sharks
wearing a meat-suit after snorting a 8-ball and drinking 10 Red Bulls? Might not be the smartest idea but
would make one hell of a newspaper article.

I have two children. Two AMAZING children. They are what I live for. What gets me out of bed everyday.
There is nothing else. I don’t think I would still be here figuring out my life if I didn't have my children.
But Christ, they are expensive. And can I be truthful? Sometimes I flip them off behind their backs.
Sometimes I flip them off quickly, a little bird-blip, and sometimes I flip them off with both hands waving
wildly in the air while I sing Ludacris's song "Get Back" in my head for.the.longest.time.

Let's be honest here, they try my nerves.

My children have lessons, and tutors, and appointments, and a social life far beyond what I have as a full
grown adult. I have no time for friends because they have SO MANY friends and my time is spent shuttling
them to and fro for the sake of keeping them socially accepted. Rock Night, Sleep overs,
play dates, man hunt outings. Hanging with the Bro's, chilling with the girl squad. I'm jealous of my kids
social life.

My only goal in life is to raise these humans, who power through food on a daily basis like veracious
stoners, to be respectable adults with manners, and worldly class, and wisdom. I have the responsibility
of that, and I assure you it would make the emotionally strongest of parents want to have a mental
breakdown, because this parenting shit is tough. You guys, its just fucking bananas.

I have insane responsibilities. I have endless questions to answer all day everyday. I have bosses
to report to,and people who need me. I have so many people who need me that the long line never
seems to end. I'm like a Disney attraction ride, but all you get with me is a roller coaster of emotion
that swears at you in English or Spanish, depending on the day. (or sings the Ludacris song in her
head silently at you).

I often think that we collectively "want it all", but what that truly means is we only want the good stuff.
We don't want the problems and issues. We don't want the bumps and bruises, but how the hell
can you ever "have it all" without the stressful stuff to?

I might be high-strung, and always stressed out and anxious, and stand-offish. I might come across
as a stuck-up bitch, or disinterested, or nothing worth anyone's time until they need me but I am not
this person all the time. I'm merely trying to get through my days, and juggle everything that I have because
my plate is bountiful, and all I'm really trying to do is not completely lose my fucking shit.

The next time you happen across a human being, you know like face to face and not on a screen, ask them
how they are doing. Genuinely ask, and listen, and try to carry out a conversation. At the end of the day
we are all just trying to reach the same goals-

and a
Happy, Full Life.

I have it all. And it may not be everything I ever wanted it to be, but I have it and I own it the best
way I know how.


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